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Some things are best printed at home. These include invitations and note cards. The process is a simple one and it does not take much time to set up the respective printing units. Do understand that printer quality varies between machines based on the use and also the model. All printers may not accommodate all paper products. Test printing is recommended. This will make sure that the printer is capable of accommodating the card size and paper weight prior to printing bigger quantities.

Printing technology and paper

For paper products, ink jet printing is the best. All laser printers are not compatible due to their print processes and toner use. All papers are also not compatible with laser printers. A few laser printers successfully print high quality images and text. You should do a few test printing prior to making the final decision.

When it comes to choosing between bottom feed printers and top feed printers, most buyers go for the top fed one. The latter involves feeding the paper upright through the printer top. In case of bottom-feed printers, the paper is forced through the tightly curved path. This may result in the paper to bend.

Choosing the correct paper type is vital. Text weight paper is preferred as they are compatible with the majority of printers. In case printing problems occur due to heavier card stock, then it is recommended that the printing should be done on the text weight paper. The text weight paper can then be mounted on heavier cardstock. If cover weight papers are used, then it can be necessary to hand feed one sheet after another due to their thickness.

Invitations and cards

For printable invitations, a surfeit of choices is available. They are available in a number of styles and sizes. The printable invitations generally come with a design pre-printed on the card. It needs the text to be laid out around that design to avoid any kind of printing on top of artwork. The printable invitations come with corresponding print template.

Multiple solutions are available when it comes to printing on cards. One popular solution is to print multiple cards to a bigger card size. To give an example, it is possible to print the text for the two 4 bar cards on to a single A7 card. Post printing, the A7 can be cut into two-thus creating two cards. These cards are of same size as the 4 bar cards. 

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